Ron's Chooketerias

Chicken Training
Chooketeria in action
Chicken Training
All contacts for the Genuine Chooketeria

These pictures show you how we train the chickens to use the feeder ;-)




Here's a few tips on training your chickens to use the Chooketeria™ chicken feeder. Some chooks have more trouble using it than others but once one or two get the idea the rest pile in for a feed.

Start by holding the lid open and tightening the nut on one side. Leave it like that for about a week so they get used to where their food is.

Then slacken the nut so the lid moves freely and place the peg supplied, as shown, so the lid is held half open for a few more days. That way they get the idea the step opens the lid for a feed.

Most get the idea in a week or two. If the feeder is backed onto a wall you can sprinkle a small amount of grain on the centre of the lid, when they see it they'll step forward and the lid opens revealing a whole box full of food. For really stubborn’ birds lay a piece of thin ply or a plank between the step and the ground so when they walk up the ramp the lid will open slowly. Chickens aren’t too bright but their instinct for finding food is very strong.

To make sure they use the Chooketeria™ don’t feed out anywhere else until they’re eating from it all the time.

Although Chooketerias are tested before shipping you may find the lid sticks open occasionally once in regular use. Should this happened simply release the pressure by easing the nuts holding the lifting arms on the sides.

Other than that there’s very little attention required. The hinges have a bronze pin but may benefit from a little light oil from time to time as will all moving parts.



Once a couple of the chickens figure it out all of them soon learn and follow suit ;-)


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